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Written by Mathew: I met Brit 3 and half years ago. Since we met so much has changed and I couldn’t be happier. We bought a house almost 2 years ago and everything has been great. We made it through a kitchen remodel and from what I heard, if we can make it through that, we can make it through anything. 

Brittany is a wonderful person who puts family high on her priority list, which is important to me. I love that she has the same visions of family as I do. I admire her dedication to teaching and coaching and her work ethic. She works a lot of hours with tons of kids, which I can’t imagine. She is an amazing woman and I look forward to spending forever with her.


Written by Brittany: I met Mathew on July 15th 2011 at Kathy and Phil Bagwells house. After months of Kathy trying to set us up, saying that we were perfect for each other, we both ended up attending Sage Bagwells Graduation Party. The “softball moms” made it pretty awkward trying to force us to talk. Since we are both pretty shy it did not go as they planned. But little did I know, Mathew had asked Kathy for my number that night. About a week later he called me and asked if I wanted to get dinner sometime. On August 9th 2011 we went to Bar American for our first date… and the rest is history. We have been inseparable ever since.

I was 21 when I met Matt. Since then I have grown up and changed a lot. When we first met he made fun of me because I had not been to many places… like Mystic for example. It became an on going joke and he told me that he could not wait to show me the world. I have been to so many new places, I eat calamari, I “vacation” up north, my favorite restaurants are those I have never been to (not Chilis anymore), my go to drinks are gin and tonic or wine instead of Busch Light. I could go on, but the point is that I am so lucky and thankful that I had Matt by my side to help make me the person I am today. I have never been happier.

It is true that some people end up marrying someone just like their dad. Mathew is a hard working family man who cares more about the people around him than anything else. He is thoughtful, caring, loyal, and secretly funny too! He is everything I have ever hoped for in a man, friend, and father :) He really is such a great dad to Ava… even though I think he loves our puppy, Raja, the most. I cannot wait for our family to grow and for us two homebodies to make some more awesome memories in our new house as Mr. and Mrs